Saint Rita

“Most Holy Sacred Heart of Jesus, help my heart to preserve in all that is holy.” - St. Rita Margherita Lotti, who would become Saint Rita, was born in Roccaporena, Italy, ...

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Saint Paschal Baylon

“God is really present in the consecrated host as He is in the glory of Heaven”- Saint Paschal Baylon On May 24, 1540, Paschal was born in the Kingdom of Aragon at Torre-He...

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Saint John Nepomucene
Saint Dymphna
Saint Matthias
Saint Pancras
Saint Solange
Saint Pachomius

Saint Acacius

Born in Cappadocia, St. Acacius enlisted in the Roman army when he was a young man under the rule of Emperor Hadrian. He ultimately rose to the position of captain. He once heard a voice...

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