Saint of the Day

Saints Cyril and Methodius

Tradition says that the brothers Methodius and Constantine (he did not take the name Cyril until just before his death) grew up in Thessalonica as sons of a prominent Christian family. Because many...

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Saint Miguel Febres Cordero Munoz

Miguel Febres Cordero Munoz was an Ecuadorian Roman Catholic religious brother. He was born in Ecuador on 7 November 1854 to Francisco María Febres-Cordero y Montoya and Ana de Jesús Muñoz y Cárde...

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Saint John De Brito

Saint Bathilde

St. Bathilde was an Anglo-Saxon born around 626-7 along the eastern coast of England. As a teenager, she was kidnaped by marauding Danes and then sold into slavery in the household of Clovis II, ki...

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