For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission ; first session organised by CBCI Delhi

For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission ; first session organised by CBCI Delhi

The CBCI Centre, New Delhi organized the first of it's series of sessions on the Synod on 6th December 2021. The sessions are organised in accordance with the directives of the Holy Father Pope Francis to ensure complete participation of the laity in the Synod to held in 2023.

The resource persons were Bro Dr Thomas Thanickal, Montfort Brothers, National Secretary of AINACS and Sr Dr Anita Chettiar, DHM, Superior of Prabha Tara, Delhi. “Their sharings were followed by an open house. It was moving to listen to the personal sharing’s. A good start for A Synodal Church.” reported Fr Jervis Dsouza, Deputy Secretary General, CBCI

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