Japanese scientists develop face masks that glow under UV light if the wearer has CORONA

Japanese scientists develop face masks that glow under UV light if the wearer has CORONA

A team of researchers in Japan is working on a face mask that glows under UV light if the wearer has the CORONA virus. The mask includes a filter that shows traces of the virus when sprayed with fluorescent dye-containing antibodies. The team leaders hope to get the green light from the Japanese government to sell the masks in 2022.

Scientists from the Kyoto Prefectural University say that the masks they've made contain an additional filter within its layers. When removed and sprayed with a fluorescent dye containing antibodies, the filter will glow when placed under UV light if traces of the COVID-19 virus are detected.

According to a press release from the university, the team developed this method by first injecting an inactive form of the CORONA virus into female ostriches. From there, they worked to extract antibodies — a protein produced by the immune system in response to bacterias and viruses — from the eggs of these female ostriches, infusing these antibodies into the fluorescent spray.

Researcher Yasuhiro Tsukamoto said that he conducted experiments with 32 people infected with COVID-19 over a 10-day timeframe. It was found that the masks worn by them glowed brightly and showed traces of the virus after being sprayed with the antibody spray and held under a UV light. The glow faded over time as the patients recovered and their viral load decreased. Tsukamoto intends to trial the mask on 150 participants in the team's next round of testing.

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