Iran agrees to reinstall UN cameras at nuclear site

Iran agrees to reinstall UN cameras at nuclear site

Tehran: Iran will allow the United Nations' nuclear watchdog to reinstall cameras damaged at a site where it has centrifuge parts and manufacturing material, according to semiofficial Iranian news agency reports. The reports came after Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said earlier that Iran had reached a good agreement with the IAEA.

The decision will see cameras put back at Karaj, which came under what Iran describes as a sabotage attack in June. Tehran has offered no evidence to support the claim, though it's another sign of the friction between inspectors and Iran.

Tehran blamed the Karaj assault on Israel amid a widening regional shadow war since former President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew America from Iran's landmark nuclear accord with world powers. Iran since had refused the International Atomic Energy Agency access to replace cameras damaged in the incident.

In an interview with the AP, International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi warned limited access to Karaj hurt international efforts to monitor Iran's program. "If the international community through us, through the IAEA, is not seeing clearly how many centrifuges or what is the capacity that they may have what you have is a very blurred image," Grossi said. "It will give you the illusion of the real image. But not the real image. This is why this is so important."

Grossi also dismissed as "simply absurd" an Iranian allegation that saboteurs used the IAEA's cameras in the attack on the Karaj centrifuge site. Negotiations continue in Vienna over trying to restore the nuclear deal. However, Iran under hard-line President Ebrahim Raisi has taken a maximalist position in negotiations. Without swift progress, in light of Iran's fast-forwarding of its nuclear program, the (deal) will very soon become an empty shell, they recently warned while, the U.S has remained outside of direct talks since abandoning the accord.

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