15 letters that changed the world; world’s first SMS to be auctioned

15 letters that changed the world; world’s first SMS to be auctioned

The world's first SMS will be auctioned as an NFT (non-fungible token) reported Reuters. Maximilien Aguttes, head of development, Aguttes auction house said that the world's first text message sent by Neil Papworth, a British engineer to a Vodafone manager in the UK will be auctioned on 21st December.

The text message with a digital frame which displays the code, the protocol, used to send the first text message will be auctioned.

The text message, which is the first in the world read “MERRY CHRISTMAS”. It was sent on December 3rd 1992. Neil Papworth, in the middle of an end-of-year event, sent the message to Richard Jarvis said Aguttes.

The auction will be conducted online. The successful bidder will claim exclusive ownership of a detailed and unique replica of the original communication protocol that transmitted the world’s first text message, Vodafone said

Vodafone will donate all proceeds from the auction to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to support the 82.4 million people, forced to flee their homes due to conflict and persecution.

Image courtesy Reuters

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