For Jesus the crib is a way of life, Christmas a fellowship that gathers everyone; Rev. Dr. Samuel Mar Irenios

For Jesus the crib is a way of life, Christmas a fellowship that gathers everyone; Rev. Dr. Samuel Mar Irenios

“For Jesus the crib is a way of life” said, Rev. Dr. Samuel Mar Irenios, the Metropolitan of the Eparchy of Pathanamthitta, Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, during the Christmas retreat organised by Global Media Cell. Faced with calamities like the pandemic, weather changes etc, Christmas reminds that in the Saviour we can find solutions to all our problems.

The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ – People are deemed famous after their birth or death. However, the life of Jesus was known to all even before his birth. Prophecies about his birth, life and death were proclaimed ages before his incarnation as man.

Not only was the savior born in the crib, but a saved family was also born. In the crib we see Jesus with Mary and Joseph, a mother, and a father. The crib was transformed into a family. In this crib every family will find solutions to their daily problems. We understand that it is not worldly gains that make a family, rather when we surrender ourselves to Gods will, when we live according to his will, when we accept the children that God grants.

The crib was a way of life for Jesus, a life of simplicity, surrender, openness, love and sacrifice. It is the same simplicity of the crib that Jesus found when he chose his disciples, that led him to stand for the poor and the underprivileged.

In the crib we see a celebration of fellowship. The angels, the shepherds, the wise men, the animals, the stars, the entire nature coming together in fellowship. Here we do not see any discrimination according to social status, education, religion etc. Christmas is a fellowship that gathers everyone around the world.

We should have respect and openness to nature. The shepherds and the wise men were given signs from nature about Jesus’s birth. Our perspective should not be limited to our families, homes, or workplace. Rather like nature we should have a wider perspective in our life.

The Holy Family’s flight to Egypt is a lesson for all of us. We must have driven away many people in our lives, we may not have provided space for people in the inn. The inn keeper did not see an eligibility of Mother Mary, a woman who was about to give birth. No one gave them space in their homes. Unlike them, we should open all the doors that we have closed infront of many. We should realise that there is Christ in every wounded person. We do not need to worry when doors are closed in front of us rather we should find the path of peace that is reserved for us.

This Christmas let us approach the crib and submit our offerings, the most valuable possessions in our life. Only a person who can glorify God in their greatest achievements can enjoy the happiness and peace that Christmas offers.

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