St. John Joseph of the Cross,a model of humility and religious discipline

St. John Joseph of the Cross,a model of humility and religious discipline

Daily Saints - March 05

Saint John Joseph of the Cross was born on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was born in 1654 in the island of Isikia in Naples. From an early age, John was fond of doing act of goodness to others and at the age of sixteen he became a member of the strict Franciscan Church.

Impressed by John's efforts to elevate his church, the authorities sent him to Piedmont on a mission to establish a monastery within three years. There he became fully engaged in the construction work of the monastery and maintained a monastic atmosphere. He was later ordained to the priesthood at the request of his superiors. John Joseph lived a life of emphasis on prayer and silence. With the help of his superiors, he established another monastery and made the necessary monastic rules.
Gradually, John became an active teacher, influencing the way of life of the local monks. Shortly afterwards, John was appointed Provincial of Naples.
God blessed him with many gifts in return for his deeds which were an example of the highest virtues such as humility and religious discipline before the disciples of the monastery. These include the coming of prophecy and the ability to work miracles.

John Joseph was laid to rest in a monastery in Naples on March 5, 1734. Many miracles performed after his death confirmed his divinity and glory. In 1839, Pope Gregory XVI canonized John Joseph.

Other saints today

1. Caron
2. Kiaran in Ireland
3. Eublus of Caesarea
4. Carthage Sr., Bishop of Osori, Ireland.

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