'In the name of God, stop this massacre!': Pope on Russian invasion of Ukraine

'In the name of God, stop this  massacre!': Pope on Russian invasion of Ukraine

Vatican City: Pope Francis expressed horror over the barbarity of killing children, innocents and unarmed civilians in Ukraine and called for an end to the unacceptable armed aggression, before it reduces cities to cemeteries. “In the name of God, I ask you: stop this massacre!”, he exhorted.

At the conclusion of the Sunday Angelus, the Pope recalled that the faithful had just prayed to the Virgin Mary, as the city that bears her name, Mariupol, has become a city of martyrs in the terrible war ravaging Ukraine. "In the name of God, let the cries of those who suffer be heard and let the bombings and attacks cease! Let there be a real and decisive focus on negotiation, and let the humanitarian corridors be effective and safe. With pain in my heart, I join my voice to that of the common people, who implore an end to the war",  Pope said.

The Pope asked for those  people who have fled Ukraine to be welcomed, saying 'Christ is present in them'. He also expressed his gratitude for the great network of solidarity that has sprung up in response to the millions fleeing the war in Ukraine.

He has requested that all diocesan and religious communities increase their efforts in praying for peace. “God is only God of peace. He is not God of war, and those who support violence profane His name.” In conclusion, Pope Francis invited everyone present in St. Peter's Square to pray in silence for those suffering and for God to convert hearts to a firm will for peace.

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