Father Liam Ryan 'the surfing priest', risks life to save surfer from shark, thanks God for courage

Father Liam Ryan 'the surfing priest', risks life to save surfer from shark, thanks God for courage

Fr Liam Ryan, a Catholic priest who helped to rescue a surfer being attacked by a five-meter great white shark, was awarded a bravery medal by Australia’s Governor General.

Fr Liam a priest in Midland, Perth, after receiving the award, he said that he’s humbled by the award. “It feels like I haven’t done anything extraordinary”, he observed.

He also added; “I thank God for giving me courage in that moment, and I also remember that I was not alone.”

Fr Ryan, who turns 35 this year, is an experienced surfer and was on vacation with a group of surfing mates. They paddled out to catch waves at Bunker Bay, about 260 km south of Perth on July 31, 2020.

About 100 meters offshore, one of the surfers saw the dorsal fin of a five-meter great white shark. Fr. Ryan raised the alarm by calling out for help as the shark mauled fellow surfer, 28-year-old Phil Mummert, just a few meters away.

Fr Ryan bravely paddled towards danger trying to help Phil, as the shark sank its jaws deep into his upper leg and bit a huge chunk off his surfboard.

The young surfer fought back and pushed his damaged board into the shark’s mouth and then fought with his bare hands to fend off the creature.

Meanwhile, one of Fr Ryan’s fellow surfers, Alex Oliver, reached the injured Phil Mummert and pulled him onto the front of his board and started paddling towards the shore as the shark still circled around them. Despite the danger, Fr Ryan and fellow surfer, Jess Woolhouse reached the injured man on the board and helped him get to shore. Later, Phil Mummert was safely airlifted by helicopter to hospital.

“For me it’s clear, God wanted us to be there, he wanted Phil to survive the shark attack and strangely designed that a wild animal would bring us to know each other for the rest of our lives,” Fr Ryan said.

“We were nominated for this bravery medal by one of the other surfers who was in the water that day, but he paddled straight in when he saw the attack because he immediately thought of his young son and his family.”

“He was in tears on the beach, and in tears when he received the acceptance of our nomination.”

Australia’s Governor General, David Hurley awarded the prestigious Bravery Medal to Fr. Ryan, Oliver and Woolhouse.

“No one sets out to be brave. No one really knows how, when presented with a dangerous situation, they will act,” the governor general said, announcing 15 Bravery Medal winners for 2022.

“In a moment of peril, today’s recipients were selfless and brave. On behalf of all Australians, I offer congratulations and thanks”, the Governor General added

Surf Life Saving WA had awarded each of the three surfers with the Coastal Bravery Award as well and as Fr Ryan said, the rescue has cemented their friendship for life, together with the man they rescued, Phil Mummert.

“We have a connection that is so unique. When we all sit down together to catch up for a meal I just smile and think ‘God, only in your imagination can this be possible!’” he said.

The 2020 shark attack received global media attention, and Fr Ryan’s role as rescuer – “the surfing priest” – was particularly highlighted.

“When I visit our schools to talk about vocations or sacraments or whatever, I ask the kids if they have any questions. The first one is always ‘Can you tell us about the shark?’” Fr Ryan said.

“Our God is a God of surprises. This event was a huge surprise for me, and I know that many people are surprised to see a priest who surfs.”

“These medals and awards are also a surprise. God is always working to break down barriers and the stereotypes we build up in our hearts.”

“If this helps people to see that priests also go on holidays, surf and help people every day then that’s awesome.”

“Will it bring people to encounter the love of Christ, who gave his life because he loves us? I can only hope so!”

Fr Ryan continues to surf – he loves the sport, and he loves the ocean.

“When I see a dolphin or seal out in the water my heart usually skips a beat nowadays, but then the fear passes,” he said.

“We share the ocean with so many other beautiful creatures, that mystery is what has always attracted me to the ocean and surfing.

“I’ve also always believed that the best way to overcome your fears is to face them.

“The ocean still remains a place of peace and rest for me, a place where I encounter God and God’s creation.”

Fr Ryan was ordained in August 2019 after completing studies at Perth’s “Redemptoris Mater” Missionary Seminary for the formation of priests in the Neocatechumenal Way.

He spent two years carrying out mission work in Alotau in Papua New Guinea and is now a priest at St Brigid’s Church in Midland parish, Perth.

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