Global wheat stocks dwindling, expert warns UN Security Council

Global wheat stocks dwindling, expert warns UN Security Council

Sara Menker warned of high levels or Global food security, unseen since the 2008 financial crisis. She told the UN Security Council that the world has about 10 weeks’ worth of wheat on hand.

Menker, the CEO of Gro Intelligence, a global company that uses artificial intelligence and public and private data to predict food supply trends, was addressing a special meeting of the Security Council this Saturday.

According to estimates by official government agencies in different countries, the current wheat supply is one-third of annual needs, Business Insider reports. According to analyzes by Gro Intelligence, the stock seems to cover only 20 percent, according to Menker. “We currently only have stocks for 10 weeks of global consumption. Conditions are worse today than they were in 2007 and 2008,” she told the UN Security Council.

The expert pointed to widespread fertilizer shortages, supply-chain issues and record droughts as the major reasons behind the crisis.

“This isn’t cyclical. This is seismic,” Menker said, noting that “even if the war were to end tomorrow, our food security problem isn’t going away anytime soon without concerted action.”

Gro Intelligence uses artificial intelligence and public and private data to predict food supply trends. Based on statistics, Sara stressed that “without aggressive global actions, we stand the risk of an extraordinary amount of human suffering and economic damage.”

The grain crisis is being felt across the globe as wheat prices have surged to record highs over the past two months. Major producers such as Russia, Kazakhstan and India have scrapped exports to protect their domestic markets, while Ukraine’s supplies are in danger due to the ongoing conflict. This has sparked fears of food insecurity and hunger around the world.

The executive director for the UN's World Food Programme, David Beasley, had earlier said that 49 million people in 43 countries are already “knocking on famine’s door.”

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