Pope Francis makes appeals for Sri Lanka, Libya, Ukraine at Angelus

Pope Francis makes appeals for Sri Lanka, Libya, Ukraine at Angelus

VATICAN CITY: Speaking from St. Peter's square during his Sunday Angelus message, the Pope renews his appeal for peace in Sri Lanka, urges constructive dialogue and reconciliation in Libya, and calls once again for an end to the “senseless war” in Ukraine. And he prays for seafarers and their families as he recalls “Sea Sunday,” observed today throughout the world.

Pope Francis on Sunday told the leaders of Sri Lanka “not to ignore the cry of the poor and the needs of the people,” and appealed for peace in the Asian country. Frustration with the economic crisis boiled over on Saturday in Sri Lanka, when a huge crowd of protesters stormed the presidential palace and forced the president to agree to resign.

Both President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Ranil Wikremesinghe agreed to resign, but protest leaders have said they will continue to occupy their official residences until they actually leave office.

The Pope also renewed his support for the people of Ukraine. "May God show the way to end this insane war," he said.

Expressing his closeness to the Ukrainian people, “who are daily tormented by brutal attacks that the common people are paying for,” the Pope assured them of his prayers “for all the families, especially for the victims, the wounded, those who are sick” and for “the elderly and for the children.”

In the latest news from Ukraine, at least 15 people were killed when a Russian rocket hit an apartment building in the eastern Ukraine town of Chasiv Yar on Saturday night, and more than 20 people may still be trapped in the rubble. The rocket assault is the latest in a recent burst of high-casualty attacks on civilian structures.

In his message the Pope also mentioned Libya, urging “constructive dialogue and national reconciliation” in the northern African country and calling for the international community to help in this effort.

Libya has been in turmoil since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime in 2011, which led to internal struggles that only ended with a cease-fire in 2020. A presidential election originally scheduled for December 2021 and delayed till June 2022 has still not taken place. Earlier this month, protesters stormed the House of Representatives in the eastern city of Tobruk and burned the building; since then, protests have continued throughout the country.

Finally, the Pope’s thoughts turned to “Sea Sunday,” observed each year on the second Sunday in July. “Let us remember all seafarers with esteem and gratitude for their precious work,” the Pope said, “as well as the chaplains and volunteers of ‘Stella Maris’,” an apostolate that provides pastoral care and support for seafarers and their families.

At the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis offered a special prayer for “those seafarers who find themselves stranded in war zones,” entrusting them to the Blessed Virgin Mary “so that they might return home.”

Earlier this week, in a message for Sea Sunday, Cardinal Michael Czerny SJ, highlighted some of the challenges the seafarers are facing today, focusing especially on the importance of shore leave as “crucial” for seafarers’ wellbeing.

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