Pope Francis terms his scheduled visit to Canada as a 'penitential pilgrimage'

Pope Francis terms his scheduled visit to Canada as a 'penitential pilgrimage'

Vatican City: Pope Francis said his apostolic journey to Canada next week will be a “a penitential pilgrimage” that will hopefully contribute to a process of healing and reconciliation with the country’s indigenous people. The Pope’s journey to Canada is scheduled to take place from 24 to 30 July and will visit the cities of Edmonton, Québec and Iqaluit. There he will meet members of Canadian indigenous groups, residential school abuse survivors, and Catholics.

“Next Sunday, God willing, I will leave for Canada; therefore, I wish now to address all the people of that country,” said Pope Francis after the recitation of the Sunday Angelus Prayer in St. Peter’s Square.

“Dear brothers and sisters of Canada, as you know, I will come among you especially in the name of Jesus to meet and embrace the indigenous people.

He went on to explain that “Unfortunately, in Canada, many Christians, including some members of religious institutes, have contributed to the policies of cultural assimilation that, in the past, have severely harmed indigenous communities in various ways."

The Pope recalled a series of meetings he held in the Vatican in April with delegations from Canada’s First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, during which he listened to their stories about life in the residential school system – a scheme for the forcible integration of indigenous children into Canadian culture by separating them from their families and communities and placing them in boarding schools.

He said that on those occasions, he had expressed “his sorrow and solidarity for the harm they have suffered.” The Pope also voiced his thanks for the preparatory work that is underway “and for the welcome, you will give me.”

“Thank you all! And I ask you to please accompany me with your prayers.”

The Canadian bishops said last year that they would welcome Pope Francis’ visit as a “pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation.”


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