Georgia bans abortion after fetal heartbeat

Georgia bans abortion after fetal heartbeat

Georgia: US state Georgia has enacted a law banning abortion after the detection of a heartbeat in an unborn child. The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Wednesday rejected a challenge to it by abortion providers.

Chief Judge William Pryor of the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals wrote for a unanimous three-judge panel that the state had a "rational basis" for the law, given its interest in "providing full legal recognition to an unborn child."

Georgia passed the law, which also defines "person" to include an "unborn child," in 2019. A federal judge blocked it that October before it could take effect, finding it violated the right to abortion established by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 1973 landmark Roe v. Wade ruling.

However, the Supreme Court last month overturned that ruling, clearing the way for Wednesday's decision.

The law took effect after the 11th Circuit, in an unusual move, issued a separate order about two hours after its decision staying the trial court's injunction.

About half of U.S. states have or are expected to seek to ban or curtail abortions following the Supreme Court's June 24 ruling. Judges have largely upheld the laws against legal challenges, though some, including in Utah and Kentucky, have been blocked for now.

The Georgia law includes exceptions for medical emergencies, and for cases of rape or incest where a police report was filed.

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