Pope's message to Argentina Pilgrimage on their 15th Anniversary

Pope's message to Argentina Pilgrimage on their 15th Anniversary

Pope Francis sends a video message to 'Los Hogares de Cristo' in Argentina on the occasion of its nationwide pilgrimage of the Virgin of Luhan, encouraging Argentinians in their campaign toward a drug-free society

The Familia Grande Hogares de Cristo (FGHDC), Cáritas Argentina and the Union of Parish Clubs lived a festive Sunday with the national launch of the Pilgrimage of the Virgin of Luján, which will tour the entire country in a caravan. A year-long pilgrimage to highlight the nation’s drug addiction crisis, using the image of Our Lady of Lujan, Argentina’s patroness for assistance.

Pope Francis described this pilgrimage as “constructive”, pointing to the messages and the testimony of the last fifteen years of the existence of Los Hogares de Cristo. And he wished “happy 15th anniversary” to Los Hogares de Cristo as they begin the pilgrimage throughout the country.

In his video message, he added that it is “a hope,” against the crime of drugs which destroy lives, and stressed that “an alternative path can be opened.” “There is time,” the Holy Father affirmed. “It can be done.”

In this regard, he upheld the Hogares de Cristo as not just “a hand that lifts” but also a place of affection and “a home in which you rebuild [rearm] yourself, your life is strengthened and you are reinserted in a much better way into society.”

Pope Francis concluded the video message with a blessing and some encouragement: “May God bless you, and may you strive ahead.”

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