Biden warns of Nuclear 'Armageddon'; highest level of nuclear risk since 1962

Biden warns of Nuclear 'Armageddon'; highest level of nuclear risk since 1962

Joe Biden has warned that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is creating nuclear fear in the world and that the world will face huge consequences if Vladimir Putin uses nuclear weapons to win the war.

Biden described the threat of nuclear weapons as ``Armageddon,'' which means the final battle between good and evil. He was speaking at a Democratic Party event in New York.

He also points out that the world is on the brink of a nuclear threat after the Cold War era. This is the first time Biden has made such a reference to nuclear weapons since becoming the US president.

The world is passing through the highest level of nuclear risk since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

It has been eight months since Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia has faced huge setbacks recently.

This scenario does not rule out the possibility of using nuclear weapons. He also points out that Putin's words in this regard cannot be seen as a joke.

But the Ukraine war is paving the way for Vladimir Putin to get out, Biden added.

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