Worst floods in a decade; 600 lives lost in Nigeria

Worst floods in a decade; 600 lives lost in Nigeria

More than 600 people have died in Nigeria's worst floods in a decade.

Most died trying to escape rising water from overflowing rivers or dams or were trapped in flooded vehicles or basements. Due to such deaths, the death toll is increasing.

Along with this, many people have lost their lives and thousands of people have been injured by capsizing boats.

According to the country's National Emergency Management Agency, more than 2 million people have been affected by the floods, which have devastated 31 of Nigeria's 36 states, including the capital.

About 1.5 million people were forced to flee their homes and places.

Nigeria's Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs announced on Sunday that the Federal Government had started to distribute food and other emergency aid to disaster-stricken states.

More than 200,000 houses were destroyed or damaged, and more than 73,000 hectares of farmland were flooded.

Rains and overflowing rivers have not only taken away people's lives but also the country's livelihood and food security.

Meanwhile, there have been warnings of heavy rain again in the country.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs on Sunday called on the respective State Governments and Local Government Councils and Communities "to prepare for more flooding by evacuating people living on flood plains to high grounds, provide tents and relief materials, fresh water as well as medical supplies for a possible outbreak of water-borne diseases.”

Earlier this month, authorities warned of catastrophic flooding for states located along the courses of the Niger and Benue rivers, noting that three of Nigeria's overfilled reservoirs were expected to overflow.

The release of excess water from a dam in neighbouring Cameroon has reportedly contributed to the flooding.

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