Sunday, 23 October - World Mission Day 2022

Sunday, 23 October - World Mission Day 2022

World Mission Sunday was established by Pope Pius XI in 1926. World Mission Sunday falls on the penultimate Sunday in October. It is the one Sunday in the year when the Mass is celebrated exclusively for missionary activity. In 2022, World Mission Sunday is celebrated today, Sunday, 23 October.

This year the official theme is “You shall be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8).

Pope Francis' message for World Mission Day on Oct 23, 2022 was released in January 2022. In the message, the Holy Father mentions how World Mission Day offers us the opportunity to commemorate several important events in the Church’s life and mission.

Pope Francis in his message for Sunday described Christ’s words in the Acts of the Apostles as “the heart of Jesus’ teaching to the disciples.”

The three key phrases in his message that synthesize the three foundations of the life and mission of every disciple:

“You shall be my witnesses” – The call of every Christian to bear witness to Christ
“To the ends of the earth” – The perennial relevance of a mission of universal evangelization
“You will receive power” from the Holy Spirit – Let us always be strengthened and guided by the Spirit.

World Mission Sunday is our chance to show love and solidarity to our brothers and sisters overseas who share our faith. In offering our prayers, we join with missionaries everywhere in communion and compassion to support them in spreading the Good News, and by giving a donation we respond to Christ’s call to feed the hungry and clothe the naked.

This World Mission Sunday, help us ignite God’s love around the world.

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