Mount Merapi in Indonesia erupts sending hot gas and ash cloud into the air

Mount Merapi in Indonesia erupts sending hot gas and ash cloud into the air

INDONESIA - Mount Merapi on the island of Java, Indonesia, has erupted. Residents were warned of the dangers of ash and lava flows. After the eruption of the volcano, eight villages were completely covered in high smoke and dust.

Mt Merapi, located near Yogyakarta, is one of the most active volcanoes on earth. It is one of some 500 volcanoes in Indonesia, from which at least 129 are active in the volcanic arc spread along the Asia-Pacific islands called the Ring of Fire.

Merapi has been erupting regularly since 1548. When it exploded in 2010, more than 300 people died that day. 28,0000 people had to be relocated. 1,300 people died in the 1930 eruption. It was Merapi's biggest eruption.

In 1994, 60 people were killed. Indonesia has 130 active volcanoes.

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