Plastic rocks in remote Brazilian Island alarms scientists

Plastic rocks in remote Brazilian Island alarms scientists

TRINDADE ISLAND, Brazil - Recent findings of plastic-made rocks in the remote turtle refuge of Trindade Island in Brazil have raised concerns, adding to the long-standing fascination of scientists with the island's volcanic geology.

On the island, which is situated 1,140 kilometers (708 miles) from the state of Espirito Santo in the southeast, melted plastic has entwined itself with rocks, which researchers say is proof of humans' growing influence over the earth's geological cycles.

The fact that pollution has affected geology is both novel and terrifying, according to Fernanda Avelar Santos, a geologist at the Federal University of Parana.

The rocks known as "plastiglomerates" were subjected to chemical tests by Santos and her team to determine the type of plastic present. Plastiglomerates are composed of a mixture of sedimentary granules and other debris held together by plastic.

The majority of the pollution, according to Santos, is caused by fishing nets, which are frequent beachside debris. "The marine currents drag the (nets), which then build up on the beach. This plastic melts as the temperature rises and mixes with the organic material of the beach."

The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is one of the most endangered species in the world, and every year, thousands of them come to lay their eggs on Trindade Island. The Brazilian Navy, which keeps a base on the island and guards the turtle nests, is the only human population on Trindade.

In Brazil, close to the area where green turtles lay their eggs, we discovered these samples of plastic, according to Santos.

According to Santos, the discovery raises concerns about the impact of humans on the planet.

Santos referred to a proposed geological epoch defined by humans' impact on the planet's geology and ecosystems and said, "We talk so much about the Anthropocene, and this is it.

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