AI tools like ChatGPT prompt job losses, warns Sundar Pichai

AI tools like ChatGPT prompt job losses, warns Sundar Pichai

California : Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently spoke with The New York Times about the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution and the changes it may bring to society. Pichai acknowledges that societal adaptation will be required, and individuals may need to alter their paths accordingly.

One concern among software engineers is the fear of losing their jobs to AI tools like ChatGPT. Pichai believes that while some menial tasks associated with programming will improve, making the experience more enjoyable over time, the use of collaborative IDs with built-in assistance will make it easier for programmers.

Pichai also highlights the positive aspects of AI chatbots and believes that tools like Bard and ChatGPT will make programming more accessible, leading to the creation of new objects and job roles. He is not surprised by the success of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, as he knew the quality of the people behind it.

Google plans to expand Bard, and Pichai says that they will upgrade it to some of their more capable Pathways Language Model (PaLM) models in the near future. While Bard has limitations, Pichai emphasizes the importance of ensuring that Google can handle more capable models before introducing them to the public.

Finally, Pichai notes that the AI revolution is moving too fast and may pose a threat to society. As such, he advocates for responsible development and deployment of AI technology.

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