Dallas (Coppell): St. Alphonsa Syro Malabar Parish bid farewell to Fr. Jacob Christy Parambukattil, who served as the Vicar of Coppell for four years and being transferred to the Parish of St. Thomas Forane, Santa Anna, California.
Fr. Jacob Christie Parampukatil was given a well deserved send-off by the parish community. The farewell meeting was held at the church on Sunday, April 23, and was presided over by Fr. George Vaniyappurackal. Parish trustee Peter Thomas, Abraham P Mathew, Sabu Sebastian, Secretary George Thomas, and Shaji Mathew (Accountant) were also present.

During the meeting, LFML representative Neena Joshi presented bouquet to Fr. Christy, who was welcomed by the parishioners with a song led by Maria Joseph, Sarah, Cathy, & Vincent Oliappuram.
Trustee Abraham Mathew (Joy) welcomed gathering and appreciated Fr. Christy for his selfless services to the parish even during times of crisis.
Representatives from various organizations of the parish, including Joseph Kurian (Saju, Vincent de Paul), Ann Tommy (Little Flower Mission), Ashin Joseph (Youth Council), Shijo Joseph (CCD), Jessy Rajesh (Women's Forum), Rosamma George (Legion of Mary), and Johnson Thalachelloor (Parish Council), CV George, Cijo Jose, Sajesh Antony (former trustees) also graced the occasion.

Fr. Christy gave a speech expressing his gratitude. Parish Trustee Sabu Sebastian presented him with a token of appreciation on behalf of the parishioners. Parish Secretary George Thomas gave the vote of thanks, and Honey Jijo served as the MC of the event.