Mall Shooting - 33-Year-Old Gunman Revealed as Heavily Armed Attacker

Mall Shooting - 33-Year-Old Gunman Revealed as Heavily Armed Attacker

Texas, United States- Mauricio Garcia, 33, identified as heavily armed gunman in Texas mall shooting that claimed eight lives, including children.

The individual, a resident of Dallas, was fatally shot by a police officer who was responding to another incident in the vicinity.

President Joe Biden stated that the assailant in the Saturday assault utilized an AR-15 style rifle and was dressed in combat attire.

According to investigators cited by US media, the gunman potentially had affiliations with far-right groups, as indicated by a patch on his clothing.

Sources informed that the patch displayed the letters RWDS, which are believed to represent "Right Wing Death Squad," a neo-Nazi organization.

Authorities conducted searches at a hotel in close proximity to Garcia's location and a residence within the city. The shooting unfolded at the Allen Premium Outlets mall, situated in the northern suburbs of Dallas, where he indiscriminately targeted shoppers.

As of Sunday, at least three wounded individuals remained in critical condition, according to sources.

In addition to a handgun, Garcia was found to possess additional weapons and ammunition in his vehicle, as stated by an investigator.

A source within law enforcement informed CBS that the assailant employed an assault weapon to carry out the attack, and he was discovered wearing armored ballistic gear, with multiple rounds of ammunition found in his possession.

Authorities are meticulously examining social media platforms and online accounts in their search for indications of potential connections between the perpetrator and domestic violent extremists, as well as individuals who share similar ideologies.

On Sunday, President Biden expressed his desire to implement a ban on assault rifles, referring to the recent incident as "the most recent instance of gun violence that has deeply impacted our country." Acknowledging the tragic loss of children in the attack, the president emphasized the presence of "too many families with empty seats at their dinner tables." He reiterated his call to Republican counterparts, urging them to rally behind stricter gun control measures.

According to reports, Garcia was employed as a security guard during the time of the shooting and had no significant prior criminal history.

Video footage appeared to capture the moment when the suspect exited his vehicle within the mall parking lot and indiscriminately opened fire on pedestrians nearby, catching them off guard. Recounting the events, a female employee at the mall mentioned that her first awareness of the attack came from a concerned customer who approached her and urgently advised, "You all need to close the doors."

She expressed her initial confusion, followed by the sudden eruption of gunfire, describing it as a barrage of approximately 50 to 60 shots. Despite the chaos, she and her colleagues made efforts to maintain composure and keep customers calm. They promptly secured the premises by closing the doors, rendering all transactions halted. Seeking safety, they took shelter at the back of the establishment.

Elaine Penicaro, another witness at the scene, shared her experience, stating that she was in the midst of completing her shopping when she suddenly heard a series of distinct popping sounds. She described how everyone in the vicinity immediately halted their activities. Shortly thereafter, they heard a rapid succession of popping sounds, accompanied by visible sparks that appeared to be just in front of them.

Reacting swiftly, Penicaro and others sought refuge inside the Converse store, where they took shelter and the doors were locked for safety. They remained hunkered down at the back of the store throughout the ordeal.

Steven Spainhouer, who received a distressing call from his son reporting the shooting, hurried to the scene and described the aftermath as "unfathomable carnage." He recounted his attempts to save lives through CPR but tragically acknowledged that at least three victims could not be revived.

Recalling one devastating encounter, Spainhouer mentioned finding a girl crouched down in the bushes, seeking cover for her head. He carefully checked for a pulse and gently turned her head to the side, only to discover that she had sustained severe facial injuries.

Spainhouer also provided aid to a young boy who was trapped beneath his deceased mother's body. Describing the rescue, he recounted how he rolled the mother over, allowing the boy to escape from underneath her. Concerned for the child's emotional well-being, Spainhouer positioned him around a corner and sat him down, sparing him further trauma. The boy, according to Spainhouer, was entirely drenched in blood, from head to toe.

In response to the tragedy, President Biden has issued an order for the United States flag to be flown at half-mast on federal buildings. However, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, a Republican, expressed a different perspective regarding President Biden's call for stricter gun control measures.

The Governor Abbott stated that his focus is primarily on addressing the possession of firearms by criminals and addressing the growing mental health challenges. He emphasized the importance of targeting these specific areas rather than implementing broader bans on firearms.

Addressing the issue at hand, the governor remarked, "Over the past year, we have grappled with this problem and are currently working on potential straightforward solutions. One such solution involves enacting laws to remove firearms from the possession of dangerous criminals and imposing stricter penalties for those who illegally possess guns."

He also drew attention to a noticeable rise in anger and violence across the nation, stating, "It is evident that America has experienced a significant increase in anger and violence. To tackle this issue head-on, Texas is taking substantial measures to address its root cause, which revolves around addressing the underlying mental health issues."

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