Archbishop Prowse and Catholic Health Australia left in utter disbelief and surprise over ACT Government's takeover

Archbishop Prowse and Catholic Health Australia left in utter disbelief and surprise over ACT Government's takeover

Catholic Health Australia and Archbishop Christopher Prowse of Canberra and Goulburn express profound worry regarding the ACT Government's sudden move to forcibly acquire Calvary Public Hospital Bruce, citing it as an unsettling precedent.

In a press statement released on May 10th, Archbishop Prowse expressed his complete surprise and disbelief at the decision, emphasizing that it was made without prior notice or any form of discussion. He further stated, "We are absolutely astonished. The Archdiocese has not received any official communication, nor have we been provided with any explanation for this action."

The ACT Government's lack of transparency raises multiple questions and concerns, marking a distressing moment when governments can arbitrarily take control of any organization without providing any justification.

"This sets a worrisome precedent," remarked Archbishop Prowse, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

John Watkins AM, the Chairman of CHA, expressed his deep concern, stating that this development would be alarming not only to Catholics but also to all communities of faith.

Mr. Watkins highlighted that Catholic hospitals have been providing care and healing to Australians for 170 years, maintaining a constructive and cooperative relationship with all Australian governments throughout. However, he expressed deep concern over the ACT Government's sudden decision, considering it a troubling abandonment of a system that has successfully served millions of Australians.

Our primary concern at the moment is for the 1800 employees at the hospital, who have been left uninformed about the potential consequences of this decision. However, in the long run, this sets a concerning precedent for any government to establish.

Catholic hospitals contribute approximately 10 percent of the nation's overall hospital services and care for over 1.5 million patients each year. To ensure they can continue fulfilling their crucial role, it is imperative that they receive assurance that their long-term arrangements will not be unilaterally terminated without proper consideration.

Catholic hospitals play a fundamental role in the Australian health system, offering comprehensive care to those in need, particularly the most vulnerable.

Numerous patients actively choose Catholic hospitals due to their distinct approach to healthcare. The emphasis on compassionate care and commitment to social justice has been immensely valuable, as has their contribution to medical research and education.

The takeover of a Catholic hospital poses significant disruptions and risks compromising the distinct institutional values and culture they uphold.

According to the statement from the Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn, the government abruptly terminated the constructive negotiations with Calvary Hospital after several months of dialogue. The decision to proceed without any prior notice or consultation was deeply concerning.

The archdiocese has expressed their intention to hold a meeting with Calvary Health Care to address and discuss these recent developments.

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