Dubai Plans 'World's Largest Ocean Restoration Project'

Dubai Plans 'World's Largest Ocean Restoration Project'

Dubai is renowned for its penchant for record-breaking endeavors, and now there are plans to add another "world's largest" project to the city's repertoire. However, unlike the tallest skyscraper or the deepest pool, this ambitious proposal is not just an architectural marvel but also a significant victory for ocean conservation.

Dubai Reefs aims to become the largest ocean restoration project in the world, encompassing an impressive 77 square miles of artificial reef. If realized, this initiative will provide a sanctuary for over one billion corals and 100 million mangrove trees.

URB, a Dubai-based developer specializing in sustainable cities, unveiled its plans for the project this week. URB has previously introduced innovative designs such as an indoor cycling superhighway in Dubai and sustainable cities in Egypt and South Africa.

Baharash Bagherian, CEO of URB, emphasized the interconnectedness of city and ocean health, stating in an email to CNN, "The well-being of our cities is inherently linked to the well-being of our oceans. We require an entrepreneurial mindset when it comes to coastal city planning."

In addition to the artificial reefs, URB has developed plans for floating residential, hospitality, and retail facilities, as well as eco-lodges, aiming to transform the site into a captivating tourist destination.

At the heart of the project, there will be a prominent marine institute committed to ocean research and safeguarding Dubai's coastal ecosystem. The institute will also provide educational programs focused on marine conservation.

URB asserts that the site will operate solely on 100% renewable energy, derived from solar, hydropower, and wave farms. Additionally, food production will be facilitated through seaweed and oyster farms on the premises.

Assuming construction proceeds as planned, the developer anticipates finishing the project by 2040. However, they acknowledge the challenges associated with securing full private funding for the initiative and ensuring accessibility to individuals across all income levels.

"Dubai Reefs aspires to set the standard for marine conservation, ecotourism, and oceanic living," stated Bagherian. "Ultimately, it will evolve into a distinctive and sustainable destination that fosters food security and harnesses ocean resources for energy, while promoting a greener economy

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