EU Foreign Ministers approve a budget of more than 3 billion Euro to provide military aid to Ukraine

EU Foreign Ministers approve a budget of more than 3 billion Euro to provide military aid to Ukraine

Brussels : The European Union (EU) council has recently made an announcement regarding the allocation of financial support for arms supply to Ukraine. This decision was reported by the Russian News Agency TASS. Following a meeting held in Luxembourg, the Foreign Ministers of the 27 EU member states came together and unanimously approved a substantial increase of 3.5 billion euros in the European Peace Facility (EPF).

The EPF serves as a financial mechanism that provides support for various activities related to crisis management, conflict prevention, and peacekeeping efforts. The additional funds allocated to the EPF will specifically be used to facilitate arms supplies to Ukraine.

The council's decision to increase the financial ceiling of the EPF is aimed at ensuring the long-term sustainability and predictability of the facility. By securing these additional resources, the EU aims to enhance its ability to respond swiftly and effectively to crises and conflicts on a global scale.

In their official statement, the council emphasized the importance of maintaining the EPF's global geographical scope, which allows the EU to address a wide range of crises and conflicts across different regions. The decision is driven by the EU's commitment to prevent and swiftly respond to various challenges and conflicts around the world.

Additionally, the statement mentioned that as part of the ongoing support for Ukraine, the council regularly designates 500 million euros from the EPF funds for arms supplies. This demonstrates the EU's continuous commitment to assisting Ukraine in strengthening its defense capabilities.

Overall, the EU's decision to allocate substantial funds for arms supply to Ukraine through the EPF reflects its commitment to promoting peace, stability, and security in the region. It underscores the EU's solidarity with Ukraine and its efforts to support the country's defense needs in the face of ongoing challenges and conflicts.

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