Nikki Haley alerts about China's readiness for a possible war against the US

Nikki Haley alerts about China's readiness for a possible war against the US

Washington - Nikki Haley, a potential Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election, expressed grave concerns about China's military expansion, emphasizing that the country has been preparing for conflict with the United States for many years. Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations, recently unveiled a plan to address the Chinese threat, cautioning that China's military has grown stronger while the US has become complacent.

During an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," Haley highlighted China's military superiority, noting that they currently possess the largest naval fleet in the world, with 340 ships compared to the US's 293. She further pointed out that China's naval fleet is projected to reach 400 ships in two years, while the US is not expected to surpass 350 ships for another two decades. Additionally, Haley expressed concern about China's development of hypersonic missiles, asserting that the US is only now starting to explore this technology.

Haley underscored the significance of China's military advancements, particularly in light of the rise of what she referred to as "woke culture" within the US military. She argued that while China is modernizing its military capabilities, the US military is focusing on issues like gender pronouns. According to Haley, China has gained an advantage in areas such as cyber warfare, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.

In her recent speech outlining her China policy, Haley characterized China as more than just a competitor, labeling it an "enemy" and the "most dangerous foreign threat" since World War II. She proposed measures to limit trade relations with China and restrict Chinese investments in the US, while emphasizing the need to bolster America's defense capabilities.

Haley's strong rhetoric drew a sharp response from a spokesperson at the Chinese embassy in Washington DC. The spokesperson criticized Haley's call for American companies to leave China, stating that it goes against economic laws and will ultimately harm everyone's interests. The spokesperson dismissed Haley's remarks as election campaign tactics that will be forgotten in history.

Haley concluded her interview on "Fox News Sunday" by emphasizing the urgency of addressing China's threat. She argued that the US cannot afford to delay action and should not wait until tomorrow to deal with China, as they will take advantage of the situation today.

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