Pope Francis Encourages Us To Prioritize The Eucharist In Our Daily Lives

Pope Francis Encourages Us To Prioritize The Eucharist In Our Daily Lives

The eucharistic life is the focus of Pope Francis' July monthly prayer intention.

In The Pope Video, entrusted to the entire Catholic Church through the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network, the Pope made the call to place the celebration of the Eucharist at the center of our lives. The pope says in the opening of this month's film that if you are the same at the end of Mass as you were at the beginning, something is amiss.

The Holy Father asks us to view the celebration of the Eucharist not as a required ritual but rather as an experience with the Risen Jesus since the Eucharist is the presence of Jesus, which is profoundly transforming.

In this video, Pope Francis argues that Christ is the One who offers Himself, gives Himself for us, and thereby nourishes our lives so that we may likewise nourish the lives of our brothers and sisters.

The logic of the Eucharist, which gives us the strength to face others, transcend ourselves, and open ourselves to others with love, is described by Pope Francis in the video.

Because we gain the ability to love others and allow ourselves to be transformed by Him there, the Pope exhorts us to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist.

The Eucharistic Celebration, which changes interpersonal connections and facilitates a meeting with God and one's brothers and sisters, is the focal point of Catholics' lives, the Pope concludes.

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