Caridnal-elect Aguiar Reaches Out to Holy Land Youth Unable to Attend World Youth Day

Caridnal-elect Aguiar Reaches Out to Holy Land Youth Unable to Attend World Youth Day

Cardinal-elect Americo Aguiar, Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon and President of the World Youth Day Foundation - Lisbon, went on a special visit to young people in the Holy Land who couldn't attend the upcoming World Youth Day.

During the visit, the General Secretariat of Christian Youth in Palestine organized a Mass in Bethlehem, presided over by Cardinal-elect Pierbattista Pizzaballa and Cardinal-elect Aguiar.

Cardinal-elect Aguiar's visit was motivated by Pope Francis' advice to remember those who can't come to Lisbon for the event. He fulfilled his promise to meet with the young people from the Holy Land who had difficulties traveling to Lisbon.

"These young people are an example," he said, admiring their resilience in overcoming obstacles. Despite facing challenges, dialogue and encounter are still possible.

Cardinal-elect Pizzaballa acknowledged the significant participation of young people from the Holy Land in this year's World Youth Day, emphasizing the importance of investing time in doing good, even amidst injustices.

Cardinal-elect Aguiar also visited craft workshops that produced thousands of rosary beads distributed to WYD participants. This project, supported by Caritas Jerusalem and Aid to the Church in Need, provided employment opportunities for families in Bethlehem.

World Youth Day offers young people a profound encounter with Christ and a personal dialogue with Him, fostering their mission and future within the Church. The Holy Land's young Catholics are held dear by their peers from around the world in this global gathering.

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