Unyielding Taiwan: Vice President Asserts Defiance Against Threats During US Trip

Unyielding Taiwan: Vice President Asserts Defiance Against Threats During US Trip

Taiwan - Amid a brief stopover condemned by Beijing, William Lai, a prominent contender for Taiwan's upcoming presidential elections in January, delivered a speech in New York urging the international community to confront the escalating threat of authoritarianism. Lai, seen as a frontrunner for Taiwan's presidency, emphasized that Taiwan's safety is synonymous with global security and peace. He underscored Taiwan's commitment to democracy and encouraged resilience in the face of mounting authoritarian challenges.

Lai's address reiterated his willingness to engage in discussions with China based on mutual dignity and equality, aligning with the policies of Taiwan's current president, Tsai Ing-wen. However, China's foreign ministry quickly criticized Lai, labeling him a separatist and provocateur. Beijing vowed to take robust measures to safeguard its sovereignty.

Lai's New York visit is officially a transit en route to Paraguay for a presidential inauguration. China, which claims Taiwan as part of its territory, has consistently opposed Lai's trip, even denouncing his intended stopover in San Francisco.

China's foreign ministry issued a statement denouncing any visit by "Taiwan independence separatists" to the United States, citing Lai's firm adherence to a separatist stance. The ministry asserted that Taiwan remains a core interest for China and attributed tensions in the Taiwan Strait to perceived attempts by Taiwan to seek independence with U.S. support.

Lai has been a target of China's displeasure due to his association with Taiwan independence sentiments. Despite stating that he aims to maintain the status quo, he has been labeled a "practical worker for Taiwan independence." Lai's visit is expected to remain low-key in line with shared efforts between Taipei and Washington to manage risks in the face of regional authoritarian challenges.

As Lai's transit unfolded, China appeared poised to conduct military exercises near Taiwan, using this situation as leverage to influence voters ahead of the upcoming election. The Eastern Theatre Command of China's People's Liberation Army showcased fighter jet drills, further underscoring heightened military activity around Taiwan.

Lai's stopovers coincide with ongoing efforts to improve China-U.S. relations, potentially including a visit by China's foreign minister to the U.S. and a subsequent meeting between presidents Biden and Xi.

Amidst China's increased military maneuvers and tensions, Lai's speech emphasized the importance of international solidarity against authoritarianism and his country's commitment to dialogue with China while upholding its democratic values.

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