India's Significant Contribution to Strengthening BRICS

India's Significant Contribution to Strengthening BRICS

Johannesburg - The forthcoming three-day BRICS summit in Johannesburg might capture more attention if a meeting occurs on its sidelines between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping. This potential meeting holds more significance than the proceedings among the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa during the actual summit. Currently, there is no information available regarding the likelihood of this encounter, as it is contingent upon the outcome of the ongoing discussions between the military commanders of India and China regarding the standstill at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). A positive development in resolving the impasse at the LAC could pave the way for a Modi-Xi summit during the Johannesburg summit's sidelines.

Considering that China, in an ascendant and increasingly assertive state, is pushing for the inclusion of numerous new members from the African sub-continent into BRICS, India would be prudent not to concede. This push by China aims to tip the balance further in its favor, as the forum initially emerged as a counterbalance to Western dominance in global forums in 2001 (South Africa was admitted nine years later). India must tread carefully to ensure that China doesn't exploit the forum for its expansionist agenda while maintaining positive relations with these African nations. Notably, many of the countries China seeks to admit are under its influence due to their heavy borrowing for the exploitative Belt and Road Initiative.

Since the inception of BRICS, a significant shift in power dynamics among nations has occurred. Russia has somewhat taken a back seat to China, particularly after its involvement in the Ukraine conflict. The ongoing struggle for supremacy between the US and China, once concealed beneath the surface, has now emerged overtly. The US remains cautious of China's increasing militarism and aggressiveness, despite being the world's foremost military and economic powerhouse. In contrast, India is carving its own niche on the global stage, experiencing rapid growth among major economies and adeptly managing its international relations.

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