Not Alone on the Path of Life, Pope Francis Invite Christians to Renew Trust in the Lord

Not Alone on the Path of Life, Pope Francis Invite Christians to Renew Trust in the Lord

Pope Francis led the Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square, urging Christians to strengthen their faith by embracing the Word and the Sacraments.

Drawing inspiration from Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus asked, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" (Mt 16:13-20),  Pope encouraged self-reflection on this question.

Addressing the crowd in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis acknowledged that many perceive Jesus as a remarkable teacher and a virtuous individual, but he emphasized that Jesus is more than that. He's not a distant historical figure or a mere prophet; He is a present and close God. 

Pope clarified that Jesus isn't a relic of the past; instead, He is the God of the here and now. He stressed that Jesus is alive and walks alongside us, providing His Word and grace to guide and rejuvenate us on our life journey.

"He, as a knowledgeable and wise guide, is eager to accompany us through the toughest challenges and the most treacherous paths."

Pope Francis reassured believers that they are never alone in their life's journey; Christ is with them, just as He was with Peter and the other disciples.

In today's Gospel,  Pope pointed out that it was Peter who grasped this truth through divine grace. Peter recognized Jesus as "the Christ, the Son of the living God" – not a historical figure, but the Messiah, the Son of the living God, who became human to share in our joys and struggles.

 Pope emphasized that nothing is too daunting with Jesus by our side. He encouraged believers to look to Jesus, who walks with us, embracing our weaknesses, sharing in our efforts, and supporting us with His unwavering care.

"With Him close by, even the highest peaks of the Christian life and the steepest paths become manageable," Pope Francis declared. He invited Christians to renew their trust in Jesus, to nurture His presence through the Word and the Sacraments, and to let Him guide them, alongside their fellow believers in the community.

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