Russia Praises India for G20 Summit, Avoiding Ukraine Dominance

Russia Praises India for G20 Summit, Avoiding Ukraine Dominance

Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, has commended India for its role in preventing the G20 Summit from being politicized and has hailed the event as a "breakthrough" development with significant global ramifications. Lavrov stressed that the emergence of new centers of power worldwide is posing a threat to Western hegemony.

Russia has praised India's leadership during the G20 Summit, viewing it as a milestone occasion that has far-reaching consequences for the world. The summit's outcomes have not only provided a roadmap for addressing various global challenges but have also underscored the importance of the Global South.

During a press briefing on Sunday, Lavrov lauded India's pivotal role in countering Western dominance across various fronts, including the ongoing Ukraine crisis. He pointed out that the summit's declaration firmly emphasized the need to resolve military conflicts in line with the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter. Lavrov expressed his appreciation for India's efforts in preventing the G20 from being influenced by Ukraine-related politics. He went on to assert that the G20 Summit in New Delhi has set a course toward achieving fairer global governance and financial systems.

Furthermore, Lavrov expressed gratitude to India for safeguarding the G20 from politicization and highlighted the diminishing influence of the West as new power centers continue to emerge globally. He also addressed the pressing issue of climate change, accusing Western powers of failing to fulfill their commitment to provide $100 billion annually to support developing nations in dealing with climate change-related challenges. According to Lavrov, this failure raises doubts about the dedication of industrialized nations to tackling one of the most urgent global issues of our time.

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