Strengthening Defense Alliances: India and Italy's Strategic Vision for the Indian Ocean

Strengthening Defense Alliances: India and Italy's Strategic Vision for the Indian Ocean

New Delhi - Heavily involved in European-led maritime missions throughout the Indian Ocean and beyond, Italy regards the expansion of defense ties with India as strategically vital, particularly in light of the shifting geopolitical landscape in and around Africa.

Following Defense Minister Rajnath Singh's meeting with his Italian counterpart, Guido Crosetto, in Rome on Monday, the Italian Defense Ministry emphasized the strategic significance of cooperation between the two nations with respect to the African continent. They noted that Africa will play a pivotal role in the coming decades and beyond.

Given the ongoing instability in the Middle East, particularly in the wake of recent events in Israel, both defense ministers also engaged in discussions concerning the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) mission, where Indian and Italian Armed Forces are operating jointly.

The government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni underscores the common "sense of respect" that Italy and India share for other nations within the international community.

As both countries renewed their defense cooperation agreement, which had lapsed in 2019, Crosetto highlighted that the course of nations and individuals has been, and continues to be, shaped by decisions that manifest swiftly.

"In a time when global stability necessitates collaborative efforts, it is crucial to invest in strengthening relationships with non-NATO countries to address global issues and emerging challenges. The geographical gap between the Mediterranean and the Indo-Pacific is smaller than one might think, and the interconnectedness between these two regions is robust," affirmed the Italian Defense Minister.

Delving into the prospects of defense industry cooperation, Singh proposed fostering interactions between Indian startups and Italian defense firms, exploring opportunities for joint development. He also extended an invitation to the Italian Armed Forces for a joint exercise in India with logistical support.

The renewal of this agreement also holds significance in establishing a government-to-government (G2G) relationship in areas of mutual interest, with the aim of enhancing personnel exchanges, technology sharing for education, training, and joint exercises.

Italy has been diligently working to fortify its defense and deterrence policy across various regions, particularly in the wake of the Ukrainian crisis. This effort spans from the Persian Gulf westwards through the Horn of Africa and the Middle East to the Mediterranean, North Africa, and the Sahel, extending to the Gulf of Guinea.

Italy is actively participating in European Union initiatives aimed at bolstering regional maritime security, particularly in the northwestern Indian Ocean. Its versatile offshore patrol vessel 'Morosini' recently completed a naval campaign in this strategically vital area, conducting training activities with key regional nations. In August, Italian Air Force units and personnel engaged in joint training activities with the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) in the Indo-Pacific region.

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