World Food Day 2023: Pope's Message on "Leave No One Behind

World Food Day 2023: Pope's Message on

In observance of World Food Day, which takes place annually on October 16th, Pope Francis delivered a heartfelt message to the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

Pope emphasized the significance of this year's theme, "Leave no one behind," underscoring the pressing need to combat poverty and despair that continue to afflict many individuals.

Pope Francis passionately expressed that the cries of anguish and desperation from these marginalized individuals should serve as a wake-up call, urging us to examine our own consciences and abandon indifference.

The Pontiff shed light on the enduring conditions of hunger and malnutrition, attributing them to unjust accumulations of inequalities and injustices, resulting in countless people being left on the fringes of society. He deemed this situation an affront to the human dignity instilled by God and a matter that should stir both humanity and the international community into action.

The Pope also stressed the centrality of this year's World Food Day theme, "Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind." He underscored the irreplaceable value of water as a vital resource for all living beings on Earth.

With a sense of urgency, Pope Francis called for wise, careful, and sustainable water management to ensure access to this essential resource while promoting human development without exclusion.

Water, Pope Francis declared, is life, as it is critical for survival. Nevertheless, he highlighted the significant challenges related to water scarcity and quality, resulting in suffering and loss of life in various parts of the world.

The impact of climate change-induced droughts, arbitrary water management, and contamination disproportionately affects the impoverished, a grave injustice that demands immediate attention.

The Pope reiterated that access to safe drinkable water is a universal human right, essential for human survival and the exercise of other rights, in line with his encyclical "Laudato Si'."

Furthermore, Pope Francis emphasized that water is food because it plays a vital role in achieving food security and is essential for agriculture. He called for programs to prevent losses in agricultural irrigation, the use of non-contaminating pesticides and fertilizers, and measures to safeguard water resources.

Additionally, he urged the utilization of science and technology to strike a sustainable balance between water consumption and available resources, avoiding harm to the environment.

The Pope called on international organizations, governments, and civil society to collaborate in making water a common heritage, ensuring equitable distribution and sustainable management.

Pope Francis concluded by highlighting the necessity of countering the culture of waste and embracing global solidarity, emphasizing that our interconnected world cannot afford to be divided by self-interest. Instead, he encouraged a unified approach that prioritizes the lives of all over the accumulation of goods by a few.

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