Faithful Gather in Jerusalem for Peace Prayers Led by Franciscan Friars

Faithful Gather in Jerusalem for Peace Prayers Led by Franciscan Friars

 Over the weekend, Franciscan friars in Jerusalem organized two prayer services dedicated to peace, commemorating one week since the outbreak of conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The first service occurred on Friday, October 13th, known as the Via Crucis, a centuries-old tradition where Franciscans walk through the Old City of Jerusalem along the Via Dolorosa.

This route, which retraces Jesus' journey from the Sanctuary of the Flagellation to the Holy Sepulchre, is typically observed every Friday. Due to security concerns during the current situation, the Via Crucis was held inside St. Saviour's Church, a rare deviation from the tradition.

A small procession led by Father Francesco Patton, the custos of the Holy Land, and accompanied by two friars, journeyed along the church's perimeter, stopping at each station of the cross.

The cross carried symbols of Jesus' Passion, including the sponge, crown of thorns, and the spear. The community of friars, along with nuns and some faithful, gathered for prayers inside the church, culminating in a moment of silence, echoing the tomb of Jesus, to invoke peace.

On Saturday, October 14th, another prayer service for peace was held in the Church of St. Saviour. This event included the recitation of the rosary at the feet of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, drawing significant participation from the local Christian community. The chosen mysteries aligned with Pope John Paul II's teachings, reflecting the nature of the rosary as a prayer for peace.

The Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land has declared October 17th as a day of prayer and fasting for peace. Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, will preside over Eucharistic adoration in the church of the Latin Patriarchate, Jerusalem's co-cathedral.

Similar celebrations will occur in the Holy Sepulcher (Jerusalem) and the Nativity (Bethlehem) sanctuaries with a specific peace-focused intention, in accordance with the Status Quo, an understanding among religious communities concerning holy sites.

In the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed throughout the day, featuring a dedicated program of prayer for peace, including Masses, Eucharistic adoration, the recitation of the rosary, and the divine mercy chaplet.

Pope Francis, during the Angelus prayer on October 15th, urged believers worldwide to join in the day of prayer and fasting for peace, emphasizing the power of prayer in countering hatred, terrorism, and war. He called upon all to unite with the Church in the Holy Land on October 17th to dedicate the day to prayer and fasting for peace.

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