Hurricane Otis Strikes Southern Mexico: 43 Fatalities Reported as Tropical Storm Devastates Guerrero; Ongoing Search for Survivors

Hurricane Otis Strikes Southern Mexico: 43 Fatalities Reported as Tropical Storm Devastates Guerrero; Ongoing Search for Survivors

Washington - According to CNN, Hurricane Otis, a powerful Category 5 storm that struck the Guerrero state in southern Mexico last week, has claimed the lives of at least 43 individuals, as reported by Guerrero's Governor, Evelyn Salgado Pineda. Among the victims, there were 33 men and 10 women. Mexican authorities have managed to rescue 340 people in the wake of the disaster.

The devastating impact of Otis was felt when the storm made landfall near Acapulco, bringing fierce winds of up to 165 mph, causing extensive damage in the popular southern Mexico tourist destination. The storm has affected approximately 220,035 homes, with around 80% of the region's hotels suffering damage. The health sector also faced challenges, as one hospital reported ground-floor flooding, and another hospital experienced disruptions in its electromechanical equipment and medicinal gas supply, according to CNN.

Otis led to multiple road closures due to falling trees and landslides, and the Pacific Ocean region's Seismic Alert System (SASMEX) reported damage to 27 sensors. Acapulco International Airport was not spared from the storm's impact, although it has since resumed operations. The hurricane left many buildings, including high-rises, in ruins, with exposed concrete blocks, scattered wood, and roofs torn off. Rain and storm surges inundated roads with several feet of murky floodwaters, as CNN reported.

Electricity supply was severely affected in over half a million homes and businesses in Guerrero, according to Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission. However, authorities were able to restore power to five of the affected areas in Acapulco by Sunday. Approximately 10,000 military personnel were deployed to the Acapulco area to assist with recovery efforts. Governor Salgado Pineda highlighted the relentless efforts to restore Acapulco and provide essential support and humanitarian aid.

In a statement on Friday, U.S. President Joe Biden expressed his deep sorrow over the loss of life and the widespread devastation caused by Hurricane Otis. He pledged to work closely with the Mexican government and ensure the safety of American citizens in and around Acapulco, reinforcing the commitment to offer full support during this challenging time.

News Courtesy CNN

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