Final Day of Truce Marked by Extension Discussions; Netanyahu Signals Israel's Plan to Restart Gaza Operations Following Ceasefire Conclusion

Final Day of Truce Marked by Extension Discussions; Netanyahu Signals Israel's Plan to Restart Gaza Operations Following Ceasefire Conclusion

Tel Aviv - The 72-hour Israel-Hamas ceasefire is set to expire. While Israel has agreed to extend it amid ongoing talks in Cairo for a long-term arrangement, Hamas has not committed to the extension. The Hamas military wing has stated that if Israel doesn't agree to lift the Gaza blockade, attacks on Israel will resume at 8. Additionally, other Hamas sources suggest a resumption of fire if Israel does not agree to the opening of a seaport in Gaza.

Israel takes these threats seriously and asserts that it will respond with heavy force if attacks resume. At a Gaza City rally attended by around 2,000 people, a Hamas spokesman claimed the existence of tunnels into Israel for attacks, but there is no concrete proof of their current existence.

Regarding the political impact, a Channel 2 poll indicates that Operation Protective Edge has strengthened Israel's right-wing parties, with Likud, Yisrael Beytenu, and Jewish Home gaining seats in hypothetical elections.

On the military front, the IDF reports that the majority of rockets fired by Hamas in the past month were self-made in Gaza using civilian materials. The use of homemade rockets increased after Egypt cracked down on smuggling through tunnels.

In a Fox News interview, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed uncertainty about the battle's conclusion, emphasizing Israel's desire to help the people of Gaza suffering under Hamas rule. He acknowledged civilian casualties but described them as unintentional, attributing them to the nature of the conflict.

Four Palestinian militants were reported killed in an explosion in Gaza, described as a "work accident" where militants accidentally set off explosives. The organization to which these militants belonged was not immediately disclosed.

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