Pope Francis Urges Loving Vigilance and Acts of Kindness During Advent

Pope Francis Urges Loving Vigilance and Acts of Kindness During Advent

Pope Francis underscores the significance of remaining vigilant in his Sunday Angelus, emphasizing that it isn't about living in fear but awaiting Jesus' arrival with love. During his catechesis for the first Sunday of Advent,  Pope focuses on the theme of vigilance, drawing attention to Jesus' exhortation in the Gospel to 'Keep watch.'

Despite common associations of vigilance with fear of punishment, Pope Francis clarifies that Christian vigilance is rooted in love.

Streaming live from the Chapel at Casa Santa Marta due to his ongoing recovery,  Pope's message was delivered by Bishop Paolo Braida.

Vigilance, according to Pope Francis, involves keeping the heart ready. He illustrates this concept through a parable where servants eagerly await their master's return, motivated by love rather than fear.  Pope encourages believers to prepare their hearts with affectionate expectation for Jesus' arrival at Christmas.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Pope Francis urges individuals to diligently ready the "house of the heart" for a warm and joyful welcome.

Vigilance, he explains, means keeping the heart prepared. Additionally,  Pope invites the faithful to use Advent as an opportunity to share with those in need, offering listening, time, and practical assistance.

In conclusion, Pope Francis calls on everyone to cultivate expectation without distraction from trivial matters. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining an alert and eager heart, expressing impatience to meet Jesus and avoiding constant complaints.  Pope encourages a focus on others during Advent, embodying the spirit of compassion and preparedness for the joyous reunion with Christ.

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