Ukraine Sounds Alarm Over Delay in Crucial U.S. Aid Amidst Russia Conflict

Ukraine Sounds Alarm Over Delay in Crucial U.S. Aid Amidst Russia Conflict

WASHINGTON/KYIV- Ukraine's Chief of Staff, Andriy Yermak, expressed deep concern on Tuesday over the potential delay in U.S. assistance for Kyiv, warning that it poses a "significant risk" of Ukraine losing the ongoing war with Russia.

Yermak, speaking in English, emphasized the urgent need for approval of the proposed aid packages from the U.S. and the European Union.

The candid remarks follow White House officials' acknowledgment on Monday that the U.S. is running out of both time and resources to support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. President Biden's administration had sought nearly $106 billion from Congress in October for various initiatives, including aiding Ukraine, but the package was rejected by the Republican-controlled House.

Yermak highlighted the looming threat of losing direct budgetary support, crucial for Ukraine facing a projected $43 billion budget deficit next year. He stressed the difficulty of maintaining current positions and ensuring the survival of the people during ongoing hostilities without this financial assistance.

During his second visit to Washington in weeks, Yermak expressed the critical importance of Congress swiftly approving the new aid package. He intends to advocate for support from lawmakers and administration officials to ensure timely approval.

Despite facing challenges in a recent counteroffensive against Russia, Yermak outlined Ukraine's comprehensive plan for the upcoming year. This strategy encompasses military operations, diplomatic efforts, and collaboration in communications and information.

As Russia takes an offensive stance in the east, the plea for prompt international support underscores the gravity of the situation for Ukraine.

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