White House Warns of Severe Consequences for North Korea's Potential Nuclear Strike on the United States

White House Warns of Severe Consequences for North Korea's Potential Nuclear Strike on the United States

Washington - On Saturday, December 16, the United States reiterated its stern caution to North Korea, emphasizing that any potential nuclear assault on the U.S. would inevitably lead to the downfall of the Kim regime.

The US-South Korean Nuclear Consultative Group issued a joint statement reinforcing this stance, asserting that any nuclear aggression from Pyongyang directed at South Korea would be met with a rapid, overwhelming, and decisive counteraction.

The statement released by the White House underscored the unwavering commitment of the United States to extend deterrence to the Republic of Korea (ROK). This commitment is reinforced by a comprehensive array of US capabilities, including the deployment of nuclear forces.

The White House's published statement reaffirms the gravity of the situation and underscores the resolute position of the United States in responding to any nuclear threats against its interests and those of its allies.

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