Nairobi Gas Explosion Claims Lives and Injures Hundreds

Nairobi Gas Explosion Claims Lives and Injures Hundreds

A massive gas explosion in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, resulted in the death of at least three individuals and left nearly 300 others injured. The incident occurred around 23:30 local time in the Embakasi district when a gas-carrying lorry exploded, creating a massive fireball that damaged residences, businesses, and vehicles. Video footage depicted a fierce blaze near apartment blocks.  

The affected area has been sealed off, and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the explosion. Authorities have arrested at least one person in connection with the incident. Initially, the government indicated that the blast occurred at a gas plant during cylinder refilling, but later clarified that a truck exploded in its parking yard.

The fire resulting from the explosion has been reportedly contained, but the death toll, which includes at least one child, may rise, according to Embakasi police chief Wesley Kimeto. Approximately 271 people, including 25 children, were admitted to hospitals, with at least 39 in critical condition transferred to other facilities. An additional 27 individuals received on-site treatment for non-life-threatening injuries.

Search and rescue operations are ongoing to locate any missing persons or individuals who may have sought shelter elsewhere. The head of disaster operations emphasized the ongoing effort to determine if people are unaccounted for in burned houses.

The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority revealed that the gas plant involved was operating illegally, having had three construction permit applications rejected. The blast caused extensive damage, with a flying gas cylinder igniting a clothing and textiles warehouse and damaging vehicles, commercial properties, and residential houses.

Witnesses reported that the explosion propelled objects, including gas cylinders and a shipping container, into the air. Residents near the scene described chaotic scenes, with people running for safety. Injuries ranged from burns to individuals being knocked down by the impact of the explosion.

A command center has been established to coordinate rescue operations, and authorities have urged the public to stay clear of the cordoned area to minimize disruptions to the ongoing mission. The government is actively addressing the aftermath of the incident and working to provide support to those affected by the tragedy.

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