Dubai – Syro-Malabar Catechism, Dubai celebrated ‘Celestial Bells’ 2024, the Annual Day event of the Syro-Malabar Catechism department, in St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Dubai.
SMYM (Syro-Malabar Youth Movement) and SM Teens were launched for the Catechism students during the event.
Graduation ceremony for the Grade 12 students was also conducted during the event.
The event began with a short public meeting. The meeting and ensuing event was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Lennie J.A. Connully, OFM Cap., Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Dubai, by lighting the traditional lamp. He also admired the Catechism wing in their enthusiastic efforts in upholding traditions and highlighted our ultimate aim, journey towards heaven.
Rev. Fr. Varghese Kozhippadan, OFM Cap., Spiritual Director of Malayalam Catholic Congregation Syro-Malabar Community and Syro-Malabar Community, also joined in lighting the lamp.

Vipin Varghese, Headmaster of SM Catechism welcomed the dignitaries and congregation to the event.
Annual report highlighting the main events of the Syro-Malabar Catechism was presented during the event.
Fr. Varghese Kozhippadan felicitated the children, parents and teachers, reminding everyone on the spiritual importance of being strong in faith.
Manoj Thomas, President of Syro-Malabar Community rendered his felicitation. Vote of thanks was rendered by Benny Thomas.
The SMYM (Syro-Malabar Youth Movement), the official youth movement of the Syro Malabar Church, was launched during the event. SMYM aims to cater to the children who complete their Grade 12 Diploma in Catechism.
SM Teens was also launched to organise activities for the Teens in Syro-Malabar Catechism.
Twenty-Seven children from Grade 12 received their Diplomas in Catechism during the official graduation Ceremony, also a part of the event.
Children were also reminded to follow the World Childrens Day, 2024, the first of its kind launched by the Holy Father Pope Francis.
Children who attended the Catechism classes without being absent for any day in the Catechetical year 2023-24 were congratulated with medals.
Children from Kg2 to Grade 11 put up several performances showcasing their talents and creativity. All performances highlighted the importance of a spiritual life and enabled the children to portray the values that they have gathered from the Catechism sessions.

Syro-Malabar Catechism in Dubai offers two sessions on Saturdays, in the morning and evening respectively. The wing functions with a seven-member admin team, around 100 Catechists and 60 volunteers. A total of 1720 children are currently receiving faith formation under Syro-Malabar Catechetical wing.
The blessed and joyful event concluded with Holy Qurbana in Church.