Pope Francis Calls for Peace Ahead of Saints Peter and Paul Solemnity

Pope Francis Calls for Peace Ahead of Saints Peter and Paul Solemnity

Pope Francis, ahead of the upcoming Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, has prayed to the Patrons of Rome for peace in regions afflicted by conflict, including war-torn Ukraine, the Holy Land, and Myanmar. During today's General Audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope personally greeted Ukrainian wives and mothers, expressing solidarity amidst their country's ongoing turmoil. He issued a heartfelt appeal for peace, highlighting the solemnity approaching on June 29th.

"On Saturday," Pope Francis stated, "we will celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Patrons of Rome."

He continued, emphasizing, "Through their intercession, let us entrust the suffering peoples of war-torn regions—such as Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, and Myanmar—to find peace swiftly."

Furthermore, Pope Francis urged all believers to emulate the Saints' example as "missionary disciples," spreading the Gospel's message of beauty and compassion throughout the world.

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