Pope Francis Urges Global Peace and Solidarity with Eastern Christians

Pope Francis Urges Global Peace and Solidarity with Eastern Christians

Pope Francis addressed members of ROACO, the Holy See’s humanitarian arm for Oriental Churches, renewing his urgent plea for peace and solidarity with Eastern Christians fleeing conflicts. Speaking at the 97th plenary assembly, he emphasized the need to halt the cycle of violence globally, especially in regions like the Middle East and Ukraine.

"To those who perpetuate conflicts for personal gain, I say again: Stop! Violence will never bring peace," Pope urged passionately. He highlighted the plight of Eastern Churches, likening their suffering to that of martyrdom. Reflecting on the situation in the Holy Land, Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, and Ethiopia's Tigray region, Pope Francis emphasized the profound impact of war on these communities.

He called for unwavering solidarity and support from ROACO in these tumultuous times, urging Eastern Catholic Churches to uphold their faith amidst adversity and serve the common good selflessly. Pope commended ROACO's efforts in countering the destructive forces of war with the Christian principles of service and peace.

In particular, Pope Francis stressed the necessity of a ceasefire in the Holy Land and emphasized the imperative of dialogue for peaceful coexistence among diverse peoples. He underscored that war brings only defeat and suffering, urging leaders to prioritize negotiation and reconciliation over divisive rhetoric.

Pope concluded by urging global empathy towards those affected by conflict, including the youth and ordinary people weary of the futility of war. He called for a collective effort to listen to the cries of victims and work towards a future grounded in peace and compassion, guided by the Gospel's principles of kindness and reconciliation.

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