Pope Francis Approves Canonization of 15 New Saints, Including Blessed Carlo Acutis

Pope Francis Approves Canonization of 15 New Saints, Including Blessed Carlo Acutis

Pope Francis recently presided over an Ordinary Consistory of Cardinals where the canonization of 15 individuals was approved, marking a significant event in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace.

The Consistory began with Mid-Morning Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, followed by Cardinal Marcelo Semeraro presenting the causes of canonization.

Among those approved for sainthood are Blessed Carlo Acutis, known as the first millennial to be canonized.

Blessed Carlo, born in 1991 to Italian parents in London and known for his web design skills, dedicated himself to cataloguing Eucharistic miracles and Marian apparitions.

His life was marked by compassion for the poor, homeless, and immigrants, whom he aided with his own resources.

Additionally, the Consistory approved the canonization of 14 others, including martyrs from Damascus and founders of religious orders like the Consolata Missionaries and the Oblates of the Holy Spirit.

These new saints will be formally recognized on October 20, 2024.

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