Strange Alien Worlds: The Planet With Burning Ice

Strange Alien Worlds: The Planet With Burning Ice

The Burning Ice planet, also known as GJ 436 b, has been quoted as "One of the most exotic contradictions that we know of". The Neptune-size exoplanet was discovered August 2004 by R. Paul Butler and Geoffrey Marcy using the radial velocity method. It orbits its sun, a small red dwarf planet known as Gliese 436, at a distance of four million kilometers in about 2 days (15.5 hours).

The temperatures on the weird planet have been estimated to be 439 °C (822°F), which is hot enough to evaporate water, so scientist have been confused how there is burning ice on the planet. The conclusion was that the ice has stayed solid due to the planets core gravitational force which increases in depth and keeps the evaporation from happening.

This world may have the hottest ice known to us, but the atmosphere is mostly hydrogen on the surface and atmosphere as well as a large amount of carbon monoxide and 7,000 times less of methane than expected.

In 2015, it was discovered that the planet is evaporating in a weird way which is resulting in a very large hydrogen cloud that is surrounding the burning ice world. In 2019, scientist still continued to be stumped by this strange yet fascinating planet.

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