Pope Francis Prays for Victims of Ethiopia Landslides and Emphasizes War as a Defeat

Pope Francis Prays for Victims of Ethiopia Landslides and Emphasizes War as a Defeat

Pope Francis concluded the Sunday Angelus by praying for the victims of a devastating landslide in southern Ethiopia, expressing solidarity with the suffering people and rescue workers on the ground. The death toll has reached 257, with more expected, following two catastrophic landslides in Gofa Zone. The first landslide struck the remote mountainous area of Kencho Shacha Gozdi after heavy rains on July 21 and 22, and the second landslide tragically buried rescuers trying to help.

Pope highlighted the ongoing global suffering caused by calamities and hunger, criticizing the continuous manufacture and sale of weapons that fuel wars and exacerbate human suffering. He described this situation as a scandal that the international community must not tolerate and pointed out the contradiction between this and the spirit of fraternity represented by the Olympic Games currently underway in Paris. He emphasized that war is always a defeat for humanity.

Pope Francis also marked the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, emphasizing the theme from the Book of Psalms, "Do not cast me off in my old age." He lamented the abandonment of the elderly, particularly during summer when loneliness is most acute. He urged everyone to heed the pleas of the elderly and ensure they are not abandoned, promoting a stronger bond between generations. Pope encouraged everyone to say 'no' to the loneliness of the elderly, reminding us that our future is intertwined with how well grandparents and grandchildren coexist. He concluded by asking everyone to remember the elderly always and to give a round of applause to all grandparents.

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