Kerala Float by Niagara Malayalee Samajam recognized as the best float of 2024 during India day Prade

Kerala Float by Niagara Malayalee Samajam recognized as the best float of 2024 during India day Prade

Toronto: Various floats representing all the states of India were prepared for the India Day Parade happened in Nathan Philips Square yesterday as part of Indian Independence day Celebration organized by Panorama India. Kerala Float by Niagara Malayalee Samajam(NMS) got selected for the first place. Heartiest congratulations to NMS team. The main theme of Kerala float was reflecting Kerala's own culture and recollecting memories of back home Onam days with Chenda Melam.

Panorama India Chairperson Vaidehi and all Director board members announced that event was a great success despite of bad weather in Toronto and congratulated the Winners of the float. Winners will be recognized with a Trophy by panorama India team during republic day celebration. Panorama India is a non profitable organization to help unite various Indian cultural associations and groups, project a common identity based on their Indian heritage, and celebrate unity in Diversity. It was established in 1999 with the support from Consulate General of India, Toronto. Consul General of India, Toronto is the honorary patron of Panormana India.

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