Pope Francis’ September Prayer: Listen to the Earth’s Cry and Act for Change

Pope Francis’ September Prayer: Listen to the Earth’s Cry and Act for Change

In his video message for September, Pope Francis expresses deep concern for the state of our planet, likening it to having a “fever” due to rising global temperatures. He emphasizes that the earth is suffering, and he questions whether we truly listen to its pain and to the suffering of those affected by environmental disasters.

Pope highlights that the most vulnerable, particularly the poor, are disproportionately impacted by environmental crises such as floods, heatwaves, and droughts. He calls for a holistic response that encompasses not only ecological measures but also social, economic, and political actions.

Pope Francis urges us to make personal and communal changes to address both poverty and environmental protection. His prayer intention for September, during the “Season of Creation,” is that everyone might deeply listen to the earth’s cries and to the plight of those affected by climate change, committing to care for our world.

Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., prefect of the Dicastery for the Promoting Integral Human Development, supports this message, noting that creation is suffering due to human actions. He encourages Christians to respond with hope and action, aligning with the call to live in faith.

Fr. Frédéric Fornos, S.J., director of Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, echoes this sentiment, highlighting that the earth and its victims are in distress. Pope Francis invites us to pray, believing that prayer is essential to awakening our often numb hearts to the urgent need for action.

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